
Danish Krone Exchange Best currency exchange in Copenhagen


Hi, there!!

Denmark, the land of happiness.

Danish furniture is also famous, but no matter which city you visit, everything from buildings to miscellaneous goods is cute and beautiful.

I’m not good at cold weather, but I’m glad I went to Denmark! I feel from the bottom of my heart.

The Danish currency is the Krone, not the Euro.
When I stopped by on a trip to Europe, I found out that it is not a country that uses the euro.

Since it is a minor currency, there are not many places where you can exchange money.

Denmark is a card-based society, but I felt safe with a little cash, such as paying in cash when boarding the bus from the bus stop on the way, or when splitting the bill with friends.

In this article, I will tell you to recommended exchange offices with good rates that can be exchanged into the Danish currency “Krone” without any fees.

When I visited Denmark in September 2022, I exchanged from euros to kroner at an exchange office in Copenhagen.

I hope that it will be helpful for those who go to Denmark for a working holiday, study abroad, or travel.

Danish Krone Currency
Money Exchange with good rate

Danish Krone Exchange Best Rate Foreign currency exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark

The Danish currency is the Krone (DKK).

Danish Currency Krone

Denmark is a member of the EU, but uses its own currency, the krone.
The neighboring Sweden has a similar name, but it is Krona.
Please note that the euro cannot be used when visiting Denmark during a trip to Europe.

Credit card overseas use
Advantages and Disadvantages

Denmark is a card society, so you may not need to cash it if you are traveling only to Copenhagen for a short stay such as a trip.

If you are on a working holiday or studying abroad for a long period of time, it is convenient to have cash when traveling by bus within Denmark, or when eating out with friends and splitting the bill.

In addition, when using credit cards overseas, a fee of 1.63% to 2.2% will be charged per payment for both VISA and Master cards.
Depending on the card company, the point rate for overseas payments is high, and you can save points and use them well after returning to your country.

Most credit card companies set the expiry date for points to 1 year.
For long-term stays, I recommend that you bring a card with an indefinite expiration date and overseas insurance.

Exchange Krone before returning home!

After returning to Japan, I couldn’t find a place where I could redeem the krone.
I recommend that you convert your remaining cash into your currency before returning to your country.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Recommended currency exchange with good rate

Danish Krone Exchange Best Rate Foreign currency exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark

From here, I will introduce recommended exchange places with good rates found in Copenhagen.


“Merex EXCHANGE” in Copenhagen, Denmark is the exchange place with the best rate and reputation.
Access from the nearest station was easy, and the staff was very kind.

Rates can be checked on the Merrex website.

How to get Merex EXCHANGE

Merrex Exchange” is about 5 minutes walk from Vesteroirt station.

Exit Vesteroirt station to the ground level.
There is a 7-Eleven on the right side in front of you.
Cross the traffic lights toward 7-Eleven and go straight along the road until you see Merrex Exchange on your left.

Precautions when exchanging krone

One thing to keep in mind when exchanging money is that even if the exchange rate is displayed on the website of the exchange office, it is not possible to know if the currency is being handled in yen.

Nyan kichi
Nyan kichi

I exchanged Euros for Krone.
If you are staying for a long time on a working holiday or studying abroad, it will be easier to exchange euros if you bring them, and they can be used in neighboring Germany and other European countries.

Exchange Krone into your currency
Before you leave

We recommend that you exchange the remaining kroner into your own currency in Denmark.
If you can’t exchange it into your own currency, it’s a good idea to convert it to “Euro” or “US Dollar” before returning to your country.

Since the krone is a currency that is not widely distributed, even the famous exchange office in Osaka did not buy it.


You may want to bring some kroner back with you as you may be returning to Denmark in the near future.
I returned home without converting it, thinking that I might return, but I regret that I should have converted it to euros before returning.

Danish Krone exchange

Danish Krone Exchange Best Rate Foreign currency exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark

When you go to Denmark, it is recommended that you bring a krone, as it will be a safe material if you have a little cash.

Traveling abroad is where you never know what will happen.
I lost my credit card in Denmark.
Luckily I had two cards so I was able to continue my journey. It’s a good idea to have some cash on hand just in case.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy your travel in Denmark 🙂

NEXT…►►►Foreign currency into Japanese Yen with best rate in Osaka. How to access discount ticket shops for exchanging currency

